Game on!

Remember I had mentioned about Destination Imagination a few months back? It’s a  team based competition that encourages problem solving and critical thinking in young learners and have them work towards a grand challenge. The best part about this extra curricular activity is the policy of non-interference from parents.There are strict rules around what parents can and cannot do, and interference of any kind would result in the team being disqualified or penalized.  

Ram participated in this challenge with five other first and second graders. The team was managed by Da and another parent. The team opted to compete in the category called “Game on”. They chose Monopoly as the game based on which other elements of the challenge would rest on. They had to come up with a story that had two points of view, weaving in some research about the game, making up a song, building a gizmo and props that should fit in a container. And the thing is, the kids had to build all of the elements from scratch on their own, be it writing the script of the story, lyrics of the song or building the 10 by 8 feet monopoly game that would fit in a “container”.

The team was formed in November, and the challenge took place last week. It took a good couple of months for the kids to warm up to each other, understand the challenge, and brainstorm ideas. Until about the winter break in second week of February, it was all abstract with progress made here and there.  An amazon box was used as a container, with the four sides painted with different scenes, that would serve as a backdrop. The song would explain the monopoly game to the princess who was lost in the woods and had to win the game to get out of jail and escape the witch. The story was told in Princess’ viewpoint and the witch’s view point.

Although play based, the kids worked very hard, thinking actively, drawing enthusiastically, and improvising constantly. When the weather got colder and it was difficult to get together in person, they worked on their dialogues on Google Hangout. They reminded each other’s dialogues, filled in when there was a gap, and went berserk over snack time.

They were one of the youngest teams in the competition and they secured the third place. Prize or not, we could not have been prouder of them. They totally owned it! Go team DInausaur!

Gold start to Da, it was as much a delight to watch him (and his co-manager) run the show as much as it was to see the kids in action.

Whats on my mind

The impulse to write ebbs and flows but my practice of writing seems to only ebb. When the impulse strikes, the mundaness of life takes over. And when the mundaness of life takes a break, the impulse also takes a break. 

So what thoughts are swirling in my head on this Saturday morning? 

  • All my social media feeds were filled with Women’s day wishes. I will confess that I felt like an impostor, suffered from survivor’s guilt, and thought of myself as undeserving of these wishes. I mean people are celebrating certain kind of women – the ones that have shattered glass ceilings, that have succeeded against all odds, and that have shown immense strength, courage and resilience. All of which are excellent reasons to celebrate. But instead of naming days like Woman’s Day or Mother’s Day, in my not so humble opinion, I think we should have days like the Day of Resilience, Day of Nurturers, Day of Courage etc. I mean why should just being a woman be a cause for celebration? Why are men of courage and strength left out? Let ordinary women have the honor of wishing the extraordinary, women or men, in their lives.
  • After a long long hiatus, Ram and I are reading together again. We are currently reading Swami and Friends by R.K. Narayan. This has been a pleasure at so many levels. Ram’s class is “collecting words” so we were collecting some “un” words in the chapter – unnoticed, unobserved, unfortunate, undoing… and few more that tickled us in the moment but that I have long forgotten. Other than Calvin and Garfield, Ram now has found a new hero in Swami. Ha, the world through the eyes of Swami is so delightful and relatable.  And for me, the writing reminded me so much of how my thatha used to write. You know the kind that starts with “Seeking the blessing of Lord Rama” , with fine lanugage, immpecable grammar, no strikeouts, just the words seamlessly flowing on paper. 
  • Hari has registered for his High School courses. Yes, yes, this baby of ours that we dropped in preschool yesterday is going to high school tomorrow. I went through all emotions. On curriculum day, I justed wanted to turn around and go home. Then I agonized over whether he was taking up too much workload. Then I started doubting if he was taking courses that matched his potential. Then all that back and forth discussion between the three of us, and then with the counselors. It’s not as much about the process being hard as it is about being new to us. After going through all that, I feel a sense of calm, readiness, and even excitement for this child of ours…!!
  • My workplace went through a significant milestone and I am in the midst of humungus changes. It is not fun but one that is needed for me to shake my inertia and pay attention to my career path. Between work related changes, and my other passions taking a back seat, I do get restless and feel like I am in a slump on some days. Thankfully, the sense that I should take ownership for making things happen propels me from that state.

That’s some unsolicited peek into my life this morning. Have a good weekend folks!